[python-win32] remote database changed causing odbc error
Robin Becker
2015-09-02 10:14:47 UTC
A user reports the following error

dbi.internalError: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains
an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application in LOGIN.

trying to connect to a new database source because they migrated the windows
server to a new machine with a supported windows version. Apparently the sql
server version changed from SQL Server version 2005 to 2012.

The client machine is 64 bit with python 2.7, I am trying to determine the
version of python +32/64 etc etc and the win32 extensions that are installed.

Has anyone any advice on what the problem is here?
Robin Becker
Vernon D. Cole
2015-09-02 17:28:04 UTC
There are two different modules which you might be using to connect to an
SQL Server database.

The odbc module is very basic, written in C, and follows the db-api version
1 api.

The adodbapi module is more complex, written in Python, and follows the
db-api version 2 specification (PEP 249, with many proposed "version 3"

Unfortunately, due to my error, some parts of adodbapi are missing from the
current release of pywin32, so you must install adodbapi separately from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/adodbapi or from pypi
<https://pypi.python.org/pypi/adodbapi/>. The separate download
gives you more examples and documentation, and is necessary for Linux and
IronPython users. Other than that, all pywin32 extensions are loaded
together, if you have anything, you should have everything.

Assuming that you are using a recent version of adodbapi...
from adodbapi import is64bit
I added these two functions as an aid for a programmer who is trying to
automatically determine a working connection string, since 32 bit and 64
bit versions use different drivers. This is briefly discussed in the
documentation, and complex working examples can be found in the test
directory. A copy of the documentation is also at

After a connection to the database has been established, you can determine
the database engine and version you have been connected to...
import adodbapi
import adodbapi.is64bit as is64bit
databasename = "test.mdb"
driver = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
driver = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
constr = "Provider=%s;Data Source=%s" % (driver, databasename)
#create the connection
con = adodbapi.connect(constr)
print('dbms_name=', con.dbms_name, ' dbms_version=', con.dbms_version)
The above code is untested. I just "upgraded" to Windows 10, and it seems
that the ACE driver is now broken. YMMV.
Vernon Cole
A user reports the following error
dbi.internalError: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains
an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application in LOGIN.
trying to connect to a new database source because they migrated the
windows server to a new machine with a supported windows version.
Apparently the sql server version changed from SQL Server version 2005 to
The client machine is 64 bit with python 2.7, I am trying to determine the
version of python +32/64 etc etc and the win32 extensions that are installed.
Has anyone any advice on what the problem is here?
Robin Becker
python-win32 mailing list
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